Thursday, January 31, 2008

Irish Wolfhounds

I'm having so much angst with Abbey, the English Setter, not being up to par, that I wonder how I would react to having an Irish Wolfhound. They are the largest dog in the dog kingdom. Because of that, they often go to the Rainbow Ridge by the time they are seven. I don't know whether I could handle that------------and I've always wanted that kind of dog. I understand that they are amazingly kind and laid-back. Kinda' cute and funny for their size.

I've always thought of myself as being very tall, too tall. Of course, in my day, I was. Now the girls seems to tower over me. I always had Collies because they were big. My Alex was considered a large-breed, and my vet considers my two English setters as large-breeds. I think they're medium, but I have to go along with the Vet.


Jesse M. Holmes said...

When you get Irish Wolfhounds, you have to ask other people if their dogs are big because you lose perspective!

If you have questions about IW's, feel free to ask, and make sure you visit the Irish Wolfhound Club of America's website!

Dorice said...

I've gone to the IW Club of America's website. I think I like all things Celtic. In my novel, Clan Gunn: Gerek, a Scottish Deerhound is a character. He has his own personality, garnered from the Deerhound clubs around.

In my new book, Saratoga Winter: 1865, an IW named Zoah is a main character--but that book won't be out until later in the year and is the sequel to Saratoga Summer: 1863